
Safeguarding Senior Citizens With Criminal Background Checks

In reviewing the most recent studies of healthcare related incidences, the most alarming of the studies is the care and protection of our most vulnerable citizens. Senior/handicapped citizens are more likely to be the victims of fraud and abuse. In reviewing these statistics, it is has been found that 1 out of 10 cases of abuse or neglect will be reported." These are very frightening but very real facts that have gone unchecked for far too long" stated an Alabama legislator.

The fact remains that these incidences are not just localized, but nationwide as well. Every day that goes by another senior/handicapped citizen may suffer at the hands of disreputable healthcare providers. In many cases nursing homes, and/or home healthcare providers are not under stringent guidelines when it comes to their hiring practices.

During a healthcare symposium held in 2009 in Atlanta Georgia numerous lawmakers were in agreement when it came to legislation that would make it mandatory for healthcare providers to have the background screening of its employees, and this would apply to present employees as well as future employees.

Still yet there are many hurdles to create such legislation that can be passed and made into law. Many healthcare providers/companies that have been caught submitting fraudulent charges through Medicare, Medicaid, and the patients they care for only have received minimal fines and penalties when they were caught. In the United States alone American citizens not realizing the cost of the fraud that is taking place is costing upward into the billions of dollars.

With new legislation in place that would impose stiffer fines and penalties, the mandatory implementation of background screening for employees, and above average accounting practices would send a clear message to all healthcare providers/services that a "zero" tolerance policy would help to ensure safety, and the well-being for those they provide services for.

During the 2009 symposium,the legislative body that was in attendance was startled to hear that the most frequent forms of elder abuse reported was neglect, emotional/psychological abuse, financial exploitation, being abandoned, as well as physical abuse that many of the reports centered around. To ensure the safety of family, friends and others who may be facing this situation can be an overwhelming task in itself, but the fact remains that our senior citizens have been overlooked for far too long, and they need our help more than ever.

As concerned citizens, "we must pull together in order to get such laws in place that will protect our most vulnerable citizens, and give them the peace of mind that they deserve in their later years"as stated by (ret.) Senator Bud Cramer addressing a group of retired military veterans.

If the preceding information was as eye-opening for you as it was for me, our senior citizens- may it be family friends, or our own family members' they rely on our abilities to make critical decisions concerning their well-being. Let us not forget that we to may be in their position one day ourselves!

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